Liz Roche presents “Interloper” in Ireland

Liz-Roche_InterloperThe Irish modul-dance selected artist Liz Roche presents her new work Interloper to venues across Ireland until the 1st of March.

The work featrures dancers Liz Roche and Henry Montes, actress Caitríona Ní Mhurchú and drummer Bryan O’Connell, with lighting from Lee Curran and set and costume design by Joe Vanek.

This eclectic cast of individuals comes together to perform a quirky and heartfelt dance piece that explores identity and belonging. Interloper highlights the bonds we make and break on a daily basis, and how we try to balance what we want with the desires of those around us.

Liz says of this experience, “As a group of performers brought together specifically for this show, we all genuinely felt like interlopers at various points along the way, questioning our place in the piece and wondering if we belonged. The inspirations for Interloper have come from so many different places – Dublin’s screaming seagulls, the yearning in Neil Young’s songs, timeless Chekov, hilarious and heart-breaking personal stories among the cast and crew, giddy morning walks on Foley St, the list goes on…Interloper has evolved from all of these places…”